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Librado Romero's Journey show was a success!


We are so thankful to have experienced the colorful, imaginative, creative, and Impressionistic style of Librado Romero’s exhibition entitled “JOURNEY” within our gallery. Over 150 guests attended our opening night on Septemeber 6th! From September 6th 2014 through October 15th2014, anyone who had entered the Yonkers Art Gallery was transported into Lee’s ‘journey’ containing his works from his time in Somalia, stretching back to his hometown, Calexico, California.

As a former photojournalist for the New York Times, Lee has developed a keen eye for detail and when not using a lens, he expresses his visions through painting. Anyone who observes his landscape works can find themselves viewing it from a high focal point in which the viewer is scanning the land and taking every inch of the work in, from every mountain top - down to the smallest tree. His landscape works were inspired by his sketches from train rides in Calexico, in which he would quickly sketch what he saw as the train soared, as well as sketches from his climbing and camping adventures to Mount Signal. 


Lee Romero’s ongoing interactive installation piece was also featured in our gallery, where random objects are placed within individual wooden wine creates in such a fashion to make the viewer believe it was some type of sacred shrine. Visitors were free to move objects around the piece to help create their own journey and show that anyone can be an artist. 


At the Artist Talk held on Sept 9th, Lee Romero stated, “Everyone is born an artist.” With this in mind, he encourages everyone to dapple in art as a way to express oneself for your own sake and to just have fun with it. Upon asking him how he interprets his works, and being the jokester that he is, he stated, “What do they represent? Who knows? I don’t and it doesn’t matter to me. What is important is that they keep me out of trouble.”


We would like to thank guest curator Adam Shultz for all his help especially in positioning Lee’s works in such a fashion that created a beautiful transitional journey within our gallery space. We thank Lee and his wife, Mary, for giving us this wonderful opportunity to exhibit Lee’s works.

Thank you especially to all our guests!

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